Softening Studio

An online healing arts space for intuitive self-care & holistic well-being

Offering online services, classes, workshops and events

Hello and welcome!

We’re thrilled you're here. Are you looking to experience more relaxation, healing and self-care in your life? You've come to the right place!

At Softening Studio, we offer a variety of sessions, classes, workshops, events and services dedicated to personal and collective care so that you can stay connected to love, compassion and heartfelt humanity. 

Offerings & services

All of our offerings and services are focused on helping you find your spiritual center, relax your nervous system and recharge so you can be aware and intuitive of yours and others needs and feel confident and capable in your daily life.

By taking the time to recharge, experience healing, and connecting with yourself spiritually and energetically on a regular basis, you will notice you're in touch with yourself so you can recognize and honor your own needs and desires, your interactions with others are more compassionate, and all of your tasks and projects with be completed with more ease and presence. 

Thank you for visiting!

If you're just stopping by to explore and you have any questions, email us at